Saturday, August 31, 2013

Job Hunters Supernatural?

So, while digging through Craigslist for job listings, I discovered the following request:

A quick tip, guys! Unless your criteria for potential employees really starts and ends with "is healthy, preferably alive" (the opposite of ghost writers, perhaps?), you might want to look into a little punctuation. Although the second instance of the phrase, which utilizes a hyphen, is a good step forward, you should really go the whole hog and put some quotation marks in there! Hyphenation is excellent for clarifying modifiers that come in pairs or phrases (example: man-eating porcupine, in which "man-eating" describes the porcupine itself; "man eating porcupine", on the other hand, would refer to a man who is eating a porcupine, which is the opposite of what you want). In this case, however, it still leaves too much open for interpretation. "Healthy-living writer"? Still reads like looking for someone to take over your un-undead word-making needs! "Healthy Living" Writer, on the other hand, finally clarifies things. You're not asking for a writer who is healthy and living, you're asking for someone to write about healthy living. You could also achieve close to the same effect by capitalizing them without quotation marks, but that's a title where everything is capitalized. So no dice there.

So remember, folks: a little punctuation can make the difference between asking for a writer specializing in healthy living and getting a nasty call from your local branch of the Undead People's Advocate office.

Also, I am open to all freelance-writing job offers and can provide proof of pulse.